Supersu 1.94

Banking (financial applications) available SuperSu 1.94

Try to install apk file to mount the flash should not the people.

Flashing for download:  Banking-supersu-v1.94 (SPAPA) .zip

Mounting Apk Download:  Banking-supersu-v1.94 (SPAPA) .apk

* If the app Shinhan Card is recognized as a language, even when temporary routing routing applications running terminal is blocked.
Find letting the SuperSu in application management solution for Shinhan Card App
You can use the terminal if you do not recognize the change in routing disabled.
Shinhan Card app after app switch haejusimyeon to use again.

You can also use this version can not be used to route the sensed terminal M * Samsung Pocket app.

If malicious code is detected in the V3 * The "Jimenez" s matkeul you modify 
Please install V3 Mobile Plus 2.0 for banking .
For V3 Mobile Banking link: Clickhere